We Need to Talk About House of Sky and Breath

This post contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

So. I just finished reading Sarah J. Maas's newest novel, House of Sky and Breath. And y'all... we really need to talk about it.

Because I was too incoherent to write out actual sentences upon finishing this book, I wrote out my maddening and grammatically-incorrect thoughts whilst crying and lying on my bedroom floor trying to process what I just read. Please, enjoy.

• I feel sick to my stomach I actually feel sick to my fucking stomach I am literally laying on the floor what the actual fuck was that last chapter shaking and crying and throwing up
• First of all the last eight chapters had me so stressed like my heart was beating so fast while i was reading
• This was better than House of Earth and Blood to me but I also don’t completely remember what went down in House of Earth and Blood so
• I loved the way that Bryce and Hunt were like “you know what fuck it let’s be mates” and then they actually ARE lmao and then when they used it against the Autumn King at Ephiram and Celestina’s mating ceremony that was amazing
• Speaking of Celestina I hope Hypaxia wakes the fuck up and sees what her lover is doing. Unless celestina is redeemed which I’m not sure if I even want that.
• AND THEN BAXIAN IS DANIKA’S MATE???? FUCK LMAO I literally had to go lay down for a few minutes after I read that
• And I had my theory that Lidia was Daybreaker as soon as the scene where the guy woke her up for sex like I knew that was little bitch ass Pollux. I hope she gets a second chance with Ruhn. Like she’s so hot she deserves it.
• I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect final chapter. Bryce totally jumped through a Wrydgate to get to Prythian you can’t convince me otherwise. I do kinda hope that A Court of Thorns and Roses 5 and 6 focuses on the A Court of Thorns and Roses characters and Crescent City 3 and however many books there are focus on the Crescent City characters. I want my Azriel book to be about Az and Gwyn only lmao.
• And genuinely who cared about the epilogue after THAT lmao
• I hope the Crescent City and A Court of Thorns and Roses characters gets to go to Erilea as well because I miss my Throne of Glass bbs like Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness who??
• Also as soon as I finished this I went on Tumblr and saw that people are now shipping Bryce and Az???? Like NO THANKS AZ is not a homewrecker!!! And Quinlar is finally canon and mated I’m happy where I am Sarah please don’t ruin this for me
• And also Sarah please don’t kill Bryce or Hunt or Ruhn or Lidia or Baxian or Tharion or Ithan or Dec or Flynn or Hypaxia or Aidas or Ember or Randall or Cooper or Fitzroy in the next books everyone else is fair game please Sarah
• OH YEAH I forgot to add when Bryce introduces herself as her full name and Rhys only said his first name I just rolled my eyes like we’re never gonna get this man’s last name are we but then I had a thought
• Also I just read the Target exclusive bonus chapter while in Target cuz a bitch is broke and I just gotta say that Fitzroy Brookings is my all-time favorite character of the series now I said what I said
okay. My jumbled thoughts are out. I’m planning to reread Throne of Glass next and actually finish the series this time around (you can read that post right here). Might reread A Court of Thorns and Roses too for funsies. K bye.


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